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Garut Regency at a Glance


Tour Guide, Bandung, Indonesia

| 2 mins read

On March 2nd, 1811, the Balubur Limbangan Regency was wiped out by Governor General Herman W. Daendels (Dutch Colonial). Its Regent, Tumenggung Wangsakusumah II was honourable resigned; Balubur Limbangan Regency comprised 6 sub-district: Balubur, Malangbong, Wanaraja, Wanakerta, Cibeurueum, and Papandak.

On February 16th, 1813, the new Limbangan Regency was founded by Lieutenant Governor Thomas S. Raffles which now become Garut Regency. RAA. Adiwidjaya was the first regent of Garut Regency who Governed from 1813-1831. He was well-known for his call of Dalem Cipajeuh.

Geographically, Garut regency lies at the part of Southern earth, belonging West Java Province, where its the border are as follows:

  • Eastern Side: Tasikmalaya Regency

  • Western Side: Cianjur and Bandung

  • Northern Side: Sumedang Regency

  • Southern Side: Indonesian Ocean

This area includes territory surrounded by mountains with an average height of 700-750 MaSL and has a tropical climate with temperature 18-24 degrees Celcius.

The typology of land fertility is various because of being influenced by mountains, river, hills, and coastal lowland territories. With the mentioned condition of the potency of Garut dominated by agricultural business such as Vegetable plantation, Food plant, Tea, and Coffee. 

Administratively, Garut constitutes the buffer land and hinterland for the development of Bandung Raja’s territory, has a strategic position and the supplier for the needs of Bandung municipality and regency population all at once it takes a rote in restraining environmental equilibrium.

Based on the characteristic of the territory, Garut has 2 territories:

  • Northern Territory: Garut consists of upland which constitutes the largest rice fields in Garut; in general, it consists of upland with mountain and hills.

  • Southern Territory: Beach and Ocean, Garut most consist of sloping land and flowed by 12 rivers going into the southern Indonesian Ocean.

Source: Panduan Wisata Kab. Garut - Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kab. Garut 2003