The Beauty of Durres" is the name of a mosaic from the 4th century BC, which is now exhibited in Tirana, at the National Historical Museum.The mosaic was discovered by accident during thefirst World War in the "Varosh", the old quarter of the city, and it was initially studied by Praschniker anarchaeologist mobilized in the Austro-Hungarian army. The mosaic is compiled using small colorfulriver pebbles. At its center, there is the portrait of awoman, surrounded by plant decorations. Because the woman, the mosaic is called "The Beauty of Durres". Some scholars think that the woman in the center of the mosaic is Aura one of Artemis accompanying ladies.
The Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I (c. 430-518)reigned from 491 until 518. He pertained to one ofthe senator families from Durres. As a high dignitary,he was a silentiarius under the rule of EmperorZeno. He was chosen as Zeno's successor by theEmperor's widow, Ariadne, who married him shortlyafter his accession. He initiated fiscal reforms in thehope of revitalizing the Empire.
He quelled therebellion of Isaurians in Thrace, crushed the revolt inAsia Minor, (492-496), won the war with Persia(502-505), built the Anastasian Wall (512) fromPropontis (Sea of Marmara) to Euxine (Black Sea) toface the Bulgarian and Slav threats, he was forced tocrush the unrest and insurrection from his commanderin Thrace, Vitalian, caused by the Monophysitebelievers. He fortified Durres, his home city,with a system of double surrounding walls.
Durres since its establishment was defended by wallsbuilt with monolith blocks surrounding it. On this basisthe following centuries up in the civil - Illyrian andRoman period the city walls were expanded with thedevelopment of its topography.
The walls seen today,were built by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasi I(491-518) originating from Durres after the catastrophicearthquake caused damage to it in the year 345. Hedefended the city with three rows of brick walls, fromwhich are saved 500m on length in Southwest.
It's perimeter reached 3.5 km, and a height of 18m and 3.50m in width. This tower defence system strengthenedwith pentagon towers, with the distance from 60 to 65m. Further interventions were made by emperorJustinian (527-565). In the XIII century (1272) Karl Topia, and Karli Anzhu in the XIV century (1350) also performed defensive reinforcements .
After games interruption in the amphitheater , achurch (chapel) was built around V – VI centuriesA.D., which held religious ceremonies and funeralsof Durres from Christian groups. Originally thechurch was decorated with frescoes. Its long lifeproves of subsequent interventions (dating VI - VII),decorated by two sites, south and west, with mosaicsmural panels, unique.
This mosaic is dedicatedto St. Stephen, the martyr of the city of Durres.
Incontinuation St. Mary is depicted as a Byzantineempress surrounded by two angels, the first withlettering at the top, and at the feet two otheraccompanying figures in miniature.