Chennai is the Capital of Tamil Nadu, which is famous for temples and museums and for nature lovers. Chennai is the place where 7 million people are living and the lifestyle of the people is different and also the religion. If one would like to experience the lifestyle and religion, Chennai is the best place for that.
About Mamallapuram, whoever is visiting South India, without visiting Mamallapura and experiencing the monuments the visit is surely not complete. Every place with its beautiful sculptures is speaking about the city's past and present.
We need one day to see all the places and enjoy Mamallapuram by staying 2 days. One can enjoy the drink and dine and the hills and sea.
Those who like to gain a wide information about the stone work, Kanchipuram is a good visit for temple architecture and the styles of stone works. For the special informations write to me or call me and I will be happy to brief you about my place.
Have a visit to our traditional places and experience our artworks and the traditional way of life. Also enjoy our culture in our place, by stepping into our shoes for one day in Chennai.