Weather is the key factor anyone should be informed about before doing any trekking and travelling activities. Any other factor can be controlled & managed, but the weather can’t be controlled. Sometimes, all the hard work and struggle of trekking can be totally wasted due to bad weather.
Langtang has mainly four trekking seasons: Spring, autumn, Summer & Winter. All the different season has their own way to present Langtang to you as the season changes, temperature, and climatic condition will also change. So, if you are doing Langtang Trek, you should have an idea about the best time to do the Langtang trek.
High Seasons for Langtang Trek
September – December
Autumn is undoubtedly the best season for the Langtang trek. In this season, you can trek underneath clear blue sky, witness beautiful mountains, and breathe pure air. In the morning and night, the temperature will drop, but during the daytime, the temperature will be bearably ranging from 10°c – 15°c.
Besides, this is the season of the main festivals of Nepal: Dashain & Tihar. This is the best time to get closure to the culture and tradition as well as get a taste of the Nepali festival.
As this is the peak season for trekking in Nepal, you will meet many trekkers on the way and hotels too. Good thing, you will get extra company till your destination. The bad thing, the hotels will be crowded and hard to get accommodation if you are not pre-booked.
After autumn, spring is the best season for the Langtang trek. In this season, the weather is the kindest as the temperature remains from 10°c – 20°c during day time. Also, you don’t have to worry about the ice and rain in this season.
This is the season of colour, and we can witness the colourful Rhododendron forest and hilly green giants. The mountain views will clear as much as the blue sky. The packing is easy because we don’t have to carry heavy clothes in extremely cold conditions.
We suggest you pre-booking for the hotel as this is the peak season for trekking in the Langtang region.
Low Seasons for Langtang Trek
June – August
This season cannot be taken as the Best Season for the Langtang trek as it is a rainy season. In this season, the trail will be muddy, slippery with Leaches, Bugs, and mosquitoes. The unpredictable foggy weather mostly keeps us away from the sight of mountains and scenery. In rare cases, we can also expect floods, landslides due to heavy rains.
However, the surroundings will be greenery, and this season presents colourful forests and flowers. As there will be fewer trekkers in this season, you can enjoy the tranquil trails and peaceful teahouses.
December – February
Trekking in this season is harsh. As this is a season of cold and snow, the temperature of this area in the daytime ranges from 6°c- 9°c. In the nighttime, the temperature will be freezing cold. You can experience huge snowfall, harsh winds, and unbearable weather conditions. The trails will also be snow-covered, making them hard to walk on.
But if you can tolerate snow and cold, this might be the best season for the Langtang trek. This season presents some of the best views of the mountains and snow-matted landscapes underneath the deep blue sky.
As this season is not that preferred to go on trekking, you can enjoy nature in peace.
Moreover, as we mentioned earlier, the weather is unmanageable. One can experience the bad weather situation even in autumn too. We suggest all the trekkers be well prepared for the worst condition too. Safety is the main factor to keep in mind during the trek, and if you need a helping hand, we are always happy to help you.