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Batak Toba

Lake Toba-Indonesia

Tour Guide, Medan, Indonesia

| 1 mins read

Batak Toba
According to the story of Samosir Island, it is the history of the origin of the Batak Toba tribe. God sent down their ancestors in Pusuk Buhit, then they multiplied and spread on Samosir Island, and until now, the Toba Batak have spread throughout this archipelago. According to history, the Toba Batak belief was Parmalim, and their god was Debata mula jadi Nabolon. Maybe Debata comes from the word "dewa ta" which means our god. The ancestral beliefs of the Toba Batak still exist today!

Come on to Lake Toba...!! 

#lumbansuhisuhi #samosir #bataktoba