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Tour Guide, Kampala, Uganda

| 2 mins read

Uganda is a zebra country whereby Kidepo valley and Lake Mburo are the parks with the best zebra viewing opportunities for people to visit. Although very remote, Kidepo valley national park offers perhaps the best zebra views in Uganda with numerous zebras grazing out in Savannah. The uniqueness of the zebra is something to write home about. There is nothing as beautiful as the sight of these beautifully stripped animals moving as a herd, or grazing in the savannah or even just standing around in the plains.

Zebras, horses and wild asses are all equals, long-lived animals that move quickly for their large size and have teeth built for grinding and cropping grass. Zebras have horselike bodies, but their manes are made of short, erect hair, their tails are tufted at the tip and their coats are striped.

Among Zebras when a foal is born, the mother keeps all other zebras (even the members of her family) away from it for 2 or 3 days, until it learns to recognize her by sight, voice and smell. While all foals have a close association with their mothers, the male foals are also close to their fathers. They leave their group on their own accord between the ages of 1 and 4 years to join an all-male bachelor group until they are strong enough to head a family.

Zebras are avid grazers. Both Burchell's and Grevy's zebras are in constant search of green pastures. In the dry season, they can live on coarse, dry grass only if they are within a short distance usually no further than 20 miles away of water holes.