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Ancient Turkish Religions


Tour Guide, Istanbul, Turkey

| 7 mins read

1. History of Turkic Peoples

  It is known that the history of Turkic peoples dates back to 12,000 years. Göktürk Khaganate or Turkic Khaganate (552 – 744) is one of the most important Turkic state. Göktürk Khaganate is the first Turkic state to use “Türk” in their name. Khazar is the first Turkic state to accept Islam (in 723).

2018 – Independent Turkic States:

1.    Turkey 

2.    Azerbaijan 

3.    Kazakhstan 

4.    Krygyzstan 

5.    Turkmenistan 

6.    Uzbekistan

2. Tengrism (Sky God)

  In Ancient times, Turks believed in many religions. Like Shamanism, Totemism, Buddhism, Animism, Zoroastrianism and Tengrism (Sky God). Among these religions, we see that tengrism is the most specific to Turks and the number of believers is high. Turkish people believed that there was a god living in heaven and they called this god “Tengri”. Tengri is meaning Heaven (Sky) God. The three most important things for Tengrism are Tengri, nature (sun, water, fire, moon) and respect for the dead people (Atalar Kültü). They think people are part of Tengri. Tengri was energizing them. So people are the reflection of Tengri as energy in the world. Also, every human has the Tin (soul-spirit). Tengri is the portrayal of an endless sky for the Turkish people. The sky is unlimited, always brings good things and is inaccessible. The life of a human begins with the sky and ends with the sky. So Turkish people believed in a God living in the sky and they called this God Tengri. They think people are part of Tengri. Tengri was energizing them. So people are the reflection of Tengri as energy in the world.

  2.1.  Mythology of Tengrism

Irk Bitig and big Turkish legends are the sources of Turkic Mythology. Like Grey Wolf Legend, Ergenekon Legend, Oghuz Legend, Korkut Ata Legend, Legend of Timur, Manas Legend etc. They believed the sky and earth have different levels. Also, there were various souls on each level. Tengrism has so many gods and goddesses.

Some of these gods and goddesses:

Tengri: Sky god. Biggest god of Tengrism. Lives in the sky.

Umay Ana: Goddess of fertility and virginity.

Bay Ülgen: Son of Tengri. Biggest god for some people.

Erlik Han: God of death. Lives underground. 

Ötüken Ana: Goddess of earth.

Ak Ana: Goddess of the sea.

Tulpar: Horse with wings.

Kayra Han: Kayra Han is defined as the creator God for the Altay Turks.

Asena: She-wolf. Mother of Turks.

Kartal Ana: Eagle mother.

  2.2.  Symbols of Tengrism

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One of the most well-known symbols of Tengrism.
This symbol has two elements; Tengri and Şanırak (shanirakh). is meaning “Tengri” in ancient Turkish language. Şanırak is the roof of a yurt (Turkish tent).

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Double-headed eagle

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Sigun deer: Helped the Turks find their motherland.

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Moon + human + earth

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Star of Çolpan (god of space)

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These are called tamga. Tamga is meaning damga (stamp) in modern Turkish. Tamga In the picture, there are tamgas used from ancient Turks to Ottoman Empire. The tamgas are also used in the flags of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

3. Holy Days in Tengrism

Modern Turkey's feasts are similar to many of Tengrism's holy days. Some important holy days of Tengrism:

Between December 21 – 25: Kün Yanırgan – First new moon after December 21.

June 21: Güneş – First full mon after June 21.

June 22: El Oyun – Games are played together.

March 21: Cılgayak– At the same time as Nowruz.

April 23: Çağa – Renewal.

May 5 or 6: Yeşil Yaprak or Altay Kötürer– At the same time with Hıdrellez.

September 21: Altay Takır or Ay – When the earth falls asleep. [1]

[1] Sazçalar, U. R., Yaşayan Tengricilik, Kutlu Yayınevi,

2016 İstanbul.

Fasting in Tengrism: It is known to be fasting on many holy days. For example;
Kün Yanırganı: 2 days fasting. Meat, milk and salt are not consumed.
Güneş: 8 days fasting. Meat and salt are not consumed.
Altay Takır: 12 days fasting.

4. Worship

In Tengrism, people think they don't need a place for worship. So they use natural areas for worship. Genghis Khan said in this regard "The whole universe is a place of worship. The whole universe is Tengri’s house". They named Mürgüül for these worships and they do Mürgüül twice a year. Also, they have purification rituals. They are using milk, juniper, water and fire in this ritual.

“Qam” accompanied them in their worships. They use water, milk, plants

etc. in worship. Men, women and children worship together. Qam (shaman) is communicating with souls from the other levels of the sky or earth. They can wear masks and headgear. Animals (mostly wolves) were used for the headgear. Qam participates in rituals with the drum. Qam is organising rituals, healing people and helping the other bishops. [2] Qam can be male or female. if a person wants to be a Qam, must have one of these three options;

1. Be descended from a Qam.

2. Choosing by souls.

3. Long time training to become a Qam.

[2] Yücekal Arpacı, G., Gök-Tanrı İnancının Bilinmeyenleri, syf. 17 – 26,

2015 Çatı Kitapları, İstanbul.

5. Death

They didn't believe evil spirits killed themselves. They die because Tengri wants like that. Tengri takes their lives because he thinks their souls will deteriorate.

Sky God believers make some rituals during the burial. The funerals of the Mevlevi and Alevi are quite similar to the funerals of the ancient Turkic people.

In Tengrism, people believe Ancestors’ Cult. Ancestor Cult is so important for so many religions. Like Buddhism, Shintoism, Tengrism, primitive religions etc. In Turks, people believe that the tin (spirit) of their ancestors must be remembered to reach the sky. They say “Uçmağ” for the top spot. For their ancestors’ tin, they have to do some rituals. Because they know that if they don’t remember their ancestors, ancestors' tins will be lost. [3]

They don’t believe the reincarnation, but similarities exist. They believe that their ancestors will come back after 7 generations. Therefore, the children of the 7th generation are given the name of the ancestor which one they expect to come back.

Uçmağ and Tamu: Uçmağ is the top spot in the sky for humans. Tamu is the deepest spot underground for humans and Erlik Khan is waiting for bad souls in Tamu.

[3] Roux, J. P., Eski Türk Mitolojisi, BilgeSu,

2011 Ankara.


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Taken From-- (25.12.2018)