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Sigiriya Rock Fortress

Ancient Historical Heritage of Sri Lanka - Sigiriya Rock Fortress

Sigiriya-Sri Lanka
The Travel Guy - Waskaduwa

Tour Guide, Kalutara, Sri Lanka

| 1 mins read

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Rising dramatically from the central plains, the enigmatic rocky outcrop of Sigiriya is perhaps Sri Lanka's single most dramatic sight. Near-vertical walls soar to a flat-topped summit that contains the ruins of an ancient civilization, thought to be once the epicentre of the short-lived kingdom of Kassapa, and there are spellbinding vistas across mist-wrapped forests early in the morning. 

Sigiriya refuses to reveal its secrets that easily, and you'll have to climb a series of vertiginous staircases attached to sheer walls to reach the top. On the way, you'll pass a series of quite remarkable frescoes and a pair of colossal lion's paws carved into the bedrock. The surrounding landscape – lily-pad-covered moats, water gardens and cave shrines – only add to Sigiriya's rock-star appeal.