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8 Reasons To Visit Jordan in 2015


Tour Guide, Amman, Jordan

| 2 mins read

It’s the end of the year and with it everyone is thinking about where to visit in 2015 – I’m right there with you. A few months ago though I visited one of my favorite countries for the second time and began to realize just how perfect a travel destination it really is. Jordan offers a little bit of everything for every type of traveler. When it comes down to it though, these are the main reasons why I think everyone should start planning their own Jordan adventure for 2015.


I don’t think that Amman gets as much attention as it deserves. So many people who visit Jordan just transit in and out of the city without taking the time to learn more about it. Amman is one of the oldest capitals in the world, and a walk up to the Citadel high above the city reveals relics left by each successive culture, from the Greeks to the modern era. But it’s more than just about a dusty past, Amman is a vibrant and thriving modern city with restaurants popping up all the time, great stores and a counter-culture being fueled by Millennials. In other words, it’s a lot like many other big cities, but I don’t think visitors expect it from Amman. So when you visit spend some time walking around the old markets, go to the Citadel for some amazing views but also try out some new restaurants and talk with the younger folks who are reshaping the city in their own image.

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